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AISP 2015 Keynote Speakers

Prof. Shahrokh Valaee

University of Toronto


Title: Localization of Wireless Devices in Covered Areas using Compressive Sensing

Abstract: New smartphones are equipped with plurality of sensors. Accelerometer, gyro, barometer, and magnetometer are among the sensors commonly available in new generation of smartphones. Using recent advances in signal processing such as Compressive Sensing, we have developed precise positioning schemes that can find user’s location in covered areas where the GPS service is not available. Our technology uses RF signals received from WiFi access points or iBeacons, along with the readings from multiple sensors, to locate the user. We have developed solutions for integration of multiple sensor readings into a single cohesive database. Our solutions are device-agnostic, which makes them excellent candidates for crowdsourcing. There are various applications for location estimation such as monitoring children and elderly, customer service in shopping malls, tracking goods and assets, targeted marketing, and localization of personnel in factories and mines. In this talk, we will present some of our approaches and will demo our solution.

Biography: Prof. Shahrokh Valaee received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from the University of Tehran, and the Ph.D. degree from McGill University, Canada, all in Electrical Engineering. From 1994 to 1995, he was a Research Associate at INRS Telecommunications, University of Quebec, Montreal, Canada. From 1996 to 2001, he was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran, and in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. Since September 2001, he has been with the Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, where he is a Professor and the Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies. He is the Founder and the Director of the Wireless and Internet Research Laboratory (WIRLab) at the University of Toronto.

Professor Valaee was the Co-Chair for Wireless Communications Symposium of IEEE GLOBECOM 2006, the Editor for IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine Special Issue on Toward Seamless Internetworking of Wireless LAN and Cellular Networks, and the Editor of a Special Issue of the Wiley Journal on Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing on Radio Linkand Transport Protocol Engineering for Future Generation Wireless Mobile Data Networks. He was the TPC Co-Chair and the Local Organization Chair of IEEE Personal Mobile Indoor Radio Communication (PIMRC) Symposium 2011. His current research interests are in wireless vehicular and sensor networks, location estimation and cellular networks.


Editor, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

Associate Editor, IEEE Signal Processing Letters

Connaught Award, 2012 and 2013

NSERC Discovery Accelerator Award, 2010

MaRS Innovations cPOP Award, 2012

Plenary and Keynote Invited Speeches at several IEEE and CSI conferences

Distinguished Seminar Series speaker at various institutions

Professional Engineer in the Province of Ontario

Honorary member of The Canadian Society of Iranian Engineers and Architects

Technical Program Committee membership of more than 70 conferences



Prof. Madjid Fathi

Professor & Director

University of Siegen, Germany


Title: Advance methodology for examination of stock market news

-A Sentiment Analysis –

Abstract: The imitation of the mental ability of word association is the objective of the hybrid text mining conception, called CIMAWA. The algorithm of the concept measures the symmetric and asymmetric strength of association between two words in a corpus of documents. The calculation is based on co-occurrences and frequencies of words and the outcome of the formula is a numeric value. As an innovative method for sentiment analysis we combined CIMAWA with a dictionary-based approach for keyword detection and evaluation with the help of a lexical resource. With positive, neutral or negative polarity of words it is possible to value each strength of word association. For application, we developed a software prototype and used this method on a large collection of financial market news from January 2000 through February 2014 and compared the calculated sentiment values of companies with the development of their stock price over the time.

Biography: "Madjid Fathi is a professor and vice-chair of EECS Department at the University of Siegen, Germany. He obtained his M.Sc. degree in Computer Science and Ph.D. degree (Dr.-Ing.) both from the University of Dortmund, Germany. Accordingly he obtained Habilitation degree (Above Ph.D.) at the Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany, in 1998. Since 2004, he is the director of Institute of Knowledge-Based Systems and Knowledge Management (KBS & KM), at the University of Siegen. He is also the funder and Directore of Knowledge Management Center. He was Visiting Scholar with Professor Zadeh father of Fuzzy Logic at U.C. Berkeley dept. of EECS joined the BISC(Berkeley Initiative of Soft Computing) from Sep/2012 to Sept/2013. As head of KBS lead a large of different academic team of researchers and educators which has, thus far, resulted in over 60 thesis His research interests are focused on Knowledge Based System(KBS), knowledge management, Sentiment Analysis, Text mining and recommender System and their applications in medicine and engineering, knowledge transfer, organizational learning, and knowledge discovery from text (KDT).He is the editor of "Integration of Practice-Oriented Knowledge Technology" (2013) and "Integrated Systems, Design and Technology" (2011) published by Springer, as well as two text- and nine edited books. He, with his students, has published with more than 250 publications including 25 Journal publications, and obtained four paper awards. He is a member of German Professors association(DeutschHochschulVerband)and senior member of IEEE as well as member of editorial board of five respective journals. He is the founder of Alzheimer Knowledge Platform www.Alwip.de."

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